Eos' Tear

1000 gils [Alcoholic]"Sometimes healing can be a bit tough. The drink that suit those who need a reminder that healers need to always adjust."

Wisdom Recite

[Alcoholic] 1000 gils"That WTF taste of when you find that your party member does not have their job stone equipped."

Tiny Tick

1000 gils [Alcoholic]"Sometimes you have to ask yourself a big question, right? like why physick is still existed on SMN"


[Alcoholic] 1000 gils"Tastes like.... AST balancing in every major patches"

Deep Sea Dream

1000 gils [Alcoholic]"An adventurous drink for an exciting night. Perfect for those who need something that remind them of the Stormblood era"

Wyrm's Breath

1000 gils 500 gils
"Simple Old Fashion, but with Special Garnishing Technique from Ishgard Skysteel Manufactory"

Hingashi Shot

1000 gils [Alcoholic]Sakura Sake from the land of Hingashi topped with Cherry Blossom Petals. It does looks nice but smol... like SAM damage charge on FFLogs...

Umbral Halt

[Alcoholic] 1000 gilsOriginated from the city of Ul'dah, Umbral Halt is one of the favorite drinks among the practitioners of black magic. The ingredients are yet unknown but they say that it tastes like its own name.

Last Grave

[Alcoholic] 1000 gilsEorzean's twist on the classic 'Last word' cocktail. The drink for reflecting on those big pulls and how much joy they brought to you.

Medic Panic

1000 gils [Alcoholic]Raid wide or Tankbuster is coming, o'ye of little faith, your healer has your back even though they have used all their resources to dps.